Eteng Eteng
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Lord God, I pray for Your protection as we begin this day. You are our hiding place, and under Your wings we always find refuge. Protect our families, from trouble wherever we go, and keep evil far from our families. No matter where we are, we will look to You as our Protector, the One Who fights for us every day. Your love and faithfulness, along with Your goodness and mercy, surround our families daily, so we will not fear whatever might come against our families. Our trust is in You, God, and I give thanks to You for Your love and protection. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Today we receive the anointing to pray and get results, our prayers cannot be hindered nor delayed because Jesus is our Lord, I decree open heavens upon our prayers. Lord baptize us with the fire of the Holy Ghost; therefore we have become too hot for the enemy to handle. My prayers today will attract divine intervention to every situation in our lives; signs and wonders will follow our prayers today, testimonies will follow our prayers today and the name of God alone will be glorified, in Jesus name. Amen!
Receive the power of transformation now in Jesus name…..Amen!
Father in the name of Jesus Christ and by the force of the Holy Ghost, you satanic cloud of disfavour, covering and wanting to frustrate our effort, be destroyed in the name of Jesus Christ….amen!
Father cleans us with your blood that was shared on the cross of calvary and help us to live right through Christ our Savior…. Amen
Heavenly Father, we ask that you guide and protect those in the health sector in Jesus name…. Amen
Guide and
Father in the name of Jesus, break the curse of automatic failure working in any department of our lives in the name of Jesus. And let the anointing to excel and prosper fall mightily upon every department of our lives in Jesus name……Amen!
Lord, give us wisdom and understanding to over the devil and his agents in Jesus name……amen!
surely they shall gather, but anywhere they shall gather, speaking against the will of God in our lives I command Holy Ghost fire to consume them now in the name of Jesus Christ… Amen!
Let your heart desires be your testimony in Jesus name….. Amen!
Lord help us to identify and deal with any weaknesses in us that can hinder our progress as we journey towards our destinations in Jesus name… Amen!
Lord, we need You to revive our spirit, comfort our soul and provide for all our needs according to the riches of Your grace in Jesus name……. Amen
Dear God, please give us a humble heart to yield to your instructions at all times, so that we can prosper. Help us o obey you and let us be flexible for Holy Spirit’s guidance in Jesus name… Amen!
Every person or personality who has taken what belongs to us I command them to release it in Jesus’ name….amen!